Thursday, March 29, 2007

Jaya-san and the Wisdom of Pearls

Look: The Sanjaya phenomenon is easy to understand.

1. American Idol is a TV show.
2. TV shows rely on strong ratings to attract advertisers.
3. Ratings are based upon the number of people who watch the show.
4. Advertisers pay TV networks money to advertise their products on
shows with high ratings.

Are you with me so far?

5. If American Idol was really a talent competition, then the really talented would be competing.
6. If AI is not a talent show, then what is it? It is a fantasy wrapped in a competition skin.
7. Buzz is more important than substance - go back to #1 - 4.
8. Buzz keeps people coming back to the show. What will Simon say this week? What will Sanjaya do that's more outrageous than last week? How goofy will Paula be, and how low will her shirt go?
9. What Lakisha or Melinda will sing does not create buzz.

Just a little bit more.

10. Those who argue about AI's 'credibility' assume it's a talent competition.
See #5-7.

12. If Sanjaya can generate audience - SOMEONE WILL MAKE MONEY

So don't worry about AI's image, or America's image or your own image. And don't worry about Simon's threat to quit the show if Sanjaya wins. He already knows #1 - 12.

All the producers are looking for is someone willing to open their wallets and the reason doesn't matter. The same will hold true for the recording industry when the winner is announced.

PS. I typed this in Wordpad first, and then pasted it here. :-)

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