Wednesday, April 25, 2007

No Idol

No Idol thoughts today.

We had our first Little League game last night, It was the Rangers against the Cardinals. My youngest son is on the Rangers. My oldest son was on the Cardinals for the last two years (this year he moves up to the next level). So it seemed a little strange to be opposing the team I rooted for over two seasons.

However, as a coach of the Rangers this year, it would be unseemly to do that. Of course, last year we were rooting against the team that my youngest is currently on; that makes it doubly odd. lol.

It's all fun, and certainly nice to see the regulars out again. The kids grow so fast between seasons. It requires double and triple takes to realize that the big kid with the deep voice playing first this year was the much smaller kid with the high voice playing it last year.

Anyhow, the Rangers won the game. By the fifth inning they were down 4-2 but scored 5 points in the 6th and held the other team scoreless. My son got 2 hits in 3 at bats. Both my kids see the ball well, and are able to make contact regularly.

So that was my night. Little League. Half of Idol and fall asleep on the couch during House. Hope your evening was as fun filled.

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