Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Night of the Las Vegas Lounge Lizards

Tony Bennett.

Is the desire for the spotlight so strong that he has to still be out there strutting his swing? C'mon Tony, move to Florida and play some shuffleboard man. You've earned it.

At 80, he's in pretty darn good shape, especially when I compare him to my inlaws who are in their early 80s. I guess we all age differently.

Idol contestants.

Guys: You know that they were doing songs that, for the most part, were originally recorded by baritones. As Blake and Chris are tenors, there was a fit issue with me. I like Bobby Darin doing Mack the Knife. Blake did OK with it, but I'm still not sure I liked it much. His voice had a large part to do with that. Same with Chris. Torme, Sinatra, Bennett, Martin, et al, their voices were like warm syrup. The only guy who could come close tonally to that would be....

Phil just didn't bring it this week. He should have sang Just a Gigolo or some good party song like that, or maybe Minnie the Moocher. The scat might have been too much though. I'm afraid his song choice did him in. Yet I have to agree with Paula in that he DID sound a lot like Sinatra.

Sanjaya. He's got it figured out. No need to be able to sing like a diva. Just put on a good show - and he's getting better at it. He'll be around for another go next week.

Haley, love the look. As the token hottie, she has been really trying to play up the role with her vamping and come hither looks (not to mention legs and cleavage). But she has to be going soon, there's only so much she can bare on stage to keep the interest levels up.

Gina. Sigh. I just didn't care much for her performance tonight, the judges notwithstanding. I figured it would be tough for her and this genre. She's a bit of a mystery as well with her longevity. She needs to get back to rock anthems.

Lakisha? Nah. I think she has fallen into third, behind....

Melinda and Jordin. Props to them for their performances. Jordin is really impressing me with her stage presence, her ability to control the song and not let it get out of hand. As for Melinda, I don't think there is anyone this year, or last year even, who can touch her.

To go tomorrow night: either Phil or Haley. I don't look for any surprising upsets for a couple weeks yet.

The judges all seemed a bit pitchy tonight, mostly flat.

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