Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Is It Too Much to Ask?

Can we, as a culture, just stop saying the combo word "ginormous" right now? It's not funny; it's not cute. I don't even think it's particularly descriptive.

Am I wrong here?

Also, can we ban normal retail commercials where the spokesman in the ad at the end says, "I'm so and so, and I approved this message."? It's annoying enough to have to hear it in political ads.


Unknown said...

I think that every owner, of every business, on every TV, should use Max Headroom as their spokesperson. That way an enlarged left eye and a sloped right shoulder would not be so distracting in their companies TV advertising

Jeff Howe said...

Swardlick came by the other day. Said he tried, but couldn't do anything about body disproportions, but that maybe he could make the large left eye a spokesman for the co.

Anonymous said...

...please where can I buy a unicorn?