Friday, February 8, 2008


Guess I'm going to have to sit this one out


write in the name of a friend of mine. Hey Micah! Want a vote for President?

I mean, really, all the best candidates have dropped out on the Republican side leaving only McCain and Huckabee. What a choice! I'd rather burn my tongue on hot coffee.

I guess Paul is still in the running, too. But he's barely a blip on the radar screen. No delegates for him!

On the other side of the aisle is Obama and Clinton, and I frankly don't see any good choices from either party running now. More's the pity.

I find McCain bothersome because he claims he wants to reach across the aisle and work with the Democrats. Well he's been doing it so long now already that he may as well move in with them. C'mon John, you make that claim but seem to forget G.W.B. doing the same which brought us the ludicrous "No Child Left Behind" with old Teddy.....

and they still ended up stabbing W in the back.

What's wrong with you McCain? All you seem to want to do is cozy up to the opposition party. You are no maverick, despite what you may giddily consider yourself. You aren't really a Republican, either. At the very least, you are no conservative.

The whole selection process for Pres has become a parody of itself. And the candidates are nothing more than puppets, getting more and more puppetier as we close in on the conventions.

I think you really have to have a lust for power to run for President. I can't see any other reason to do it any more.

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