Tuesday, February 19, 2008

I'm Really Beginning to Hate Doctors

Doctors have annoyed me for a long time.

I grew up with a long history of ear infections. I know when they're coming on and what's going to happen.

When I was in the Army - basic training to be exact - I had to go on sick leave for an ear infection. (Leave, in this situation, just meant you got to leave your barracks area to go to where the medical building was located). The NCO writing down the reasons for peoples' sick leave requests asked me why I wanted to go. I replied I had an ear infection. He asked me how I knew. I told him I had a lot of them growing up, so I was quite familiar with them. He asked me if a doctor had already diagnosed it (which is a silly question as I hadn't gone on sick leave yet), and I said no. Then he asked me again how I knew it was an ear infection. Seeing the futility of staying on this very witty course of logic started by the NCO, I immediately stated, "I don't know Sgt." That seemed to turn a switch off, and he gave me the pass I sought.

I figured it was just someone being a jerk to us lower enlisted which would be typical in basic training. But the doctor, himself, was no better.

In fact, we almost had the same conversation verbatim. Then, once I said "I don't know Dr." he sat back and informed me I had an ear infection.

Turns out civilian doctors aren't much better. I've run into similar situations before, the most recent was today.

I called the doctor's office to ask if he would prescribe me an antibiotic as I had a draining ear infection for a couple days now. The receptionist told me I would have to come in and be seen by the doctor. I suppose there are good reasons for that, but it's not like I was asking for oxycontin or codeine. Just amoxycillin.

When she told me that, I asked, a little piqued, "So he can tell me I have an ear infection that's draining?"

She said, "Yes."

There has got to be a better way. It's not as if I have something that is masquerading as an ear infection and really involves my pancreas in a secretly destructive deal with my liver. But all I can see is the medical establishment (yes, I know how they are trying to cover their rear ends from litigation at every turn) collecting the office visit fee because they refuse to acknowledge, from their records, that this sort of thing isn't uncommon for this particular patient!

Frankly, it's why I don't go to the doctor much.

At least one of the reasons.

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