Monday, February 9, 2009

A letter to my Senators

This letter was sent to both Senators Snowe and Collins separately.

Dear Senator Snowe,

There was no "March to Socialism" in your topic list, so I chose "Budget" instead.

Our Federal government HAS to stop this unfettered spending now. The 'stimulus' package currently before the Senate continues to pile burden upon burden on the citizens of Maine, the USA and our children. I disagreed with President Bush's push to spend hundreds of billions of dollars, ostensibly to thaw the credit freeze all while nationalizing segments of our financial system, and I disagree with President Obama's continuation of same. We must let economic Darwinism, ie the markets, to resume their normal workings to weed out those who took unnecessary, greedwagon jumping risk to the detriment of their bottom lines.

Failure has always been a part of the strength of the United States, for it is failure where the greatest lessons are learned. Unfortunately, the mindset of those who administer power in this country is that failure is intolerable and unacceptable. This disturbing paternalism is leading us down roads we have no business traversing.

I fear for the direction we are going, and I must rely on my elected representatives to bring some Maine common sense back to the process. Please stand strong against the astronomical amounts of money being proposed in the name of "economic stimulus." It's all a trillion dollar lie.

Thank you,

Jeff Howe

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