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Thursday, March 27, 2008
The 10 Worst Idol Peformances Ever
Click Here for Performances
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Quick Shots
I like Syesha. I wish she'd do songs I like, but I like her. I think she's cute and can sing better than Ramiele. This song didn't do much for me, but she sang it well.
David Cook - Billie Jean
So many of these songs have been covered over the years that you can't tell if these people are singing someone else's cover version or if they came up with the arrangement on their own. I suspect that they are usually doing a cover version (like Daughtry singing Live's version of I Walk the Line). Probably Blake Lewis was one of the most original innovators. Apparently David C. was singing Chris Cornell's (Soundgarden) version of Billie Jean. . Still he pulled it off quite well AND in the pimp spot no less. He's a rising force.
Carly - Total Eclipse Of The Heart
Jim Steinman wrote Total Eclipse of the Heart. He was Meatloaf's hit song writer with songs such as Two out of Three Ain't Bad and Paradise by the Dashboard Lights. He also wrote Air Supply's Making Love out of Nothing At All. You can tell a Jim Steinman song - it's always about relationships and it has long rambling lines. Total Eclipse of the Heart was sung by Bonnie Tyler who had a short run of fame late 70s, early 80s. She had a distinctive, gravely voice, sort of like a female Rod Stewart, and it gave her songs a strong personality. I don't know if Carly's version lived up to the original. She sang it pretty well. I just don't know if it was enough.
Chikezie - If Only For One Night
Yeah, it was Chikezie being Luther for the night. Very 80s sounding. I thought it was a decent performance, his vocals are smooth. Funny thing is, Simon, who panned Chikezie's last performance as sounding like several different songs in one, now says Chikezie needs to go back to singing with that energetic kind of personality. These contestants can't win. lol.
Brooke - Every Breath You Take
The judges complained that Brooke should have not had the band come in uptempo like they did. I disagree. This wasn't Brooke's best performance of the season, but it was good. And the song really calls out for its hook, that haunting guitar part it starts with. The band provided that. She's still moving on, I'm pretty sure.
Jason - Fragile
I like Jason, even if he stays within his genre/style. He's a good package of personality, performance and presence. He does make some weird faces while singing though, which can be distracting. I don't know this song, so I don't know if it has any Spanish influences in it. Thought it was a good performance.
Ramiele - Alone
Not bad. But she is going to get compared to Nancy Wilson's version which is difficult. She seemed to fall short a bit.
Michael - We Are The Champions
I don't think this was significantly different from how Michael has performed to date, so I'm not sure where the judges are coming from. But I've always thought that what they see and hear there in the venue is probably quite different from what we see/hear in our living rooms. Probably enough to keep him safe.
Kristy - God Bless The USA
Finally, Kristy gets back to something she can do - country/pop style songs. She sang it quite well, thought she was a tad out of tune at the key change, but she came back OK. She will have to be very careful about song choice from this point on.
David A. - You're The Voice
He has a good voice, a smooth delivery. But he makes every song sound the same. David may have peaked too early unless he gives a total package in upcoming shows. He's getting a bit boring, he is.
If I had to guess as to who will go? Probably Chikezie. He seems to be the odd man out right now and I can't imagine his fan base is growing.
I hate the "mosh pit." Can the show stop getting camera angle from behind it. Seeing people's hands wave over the singers is quite irritating.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Tonight's Song Performances
David Cook - "Billie Jean" by Michael Jackson
Carly - "Total Eclipse Of The Heart" by Bonnie Tyler
Chikeze - "If Only For One Night" by Luther Vandross
Brooke - "Every Breath You Take" by the Police
Jason - "Fragile" by Sting
Ramiele - "Alone" by Heart
Michael - "We Are The Champions" by Queen
Kristy - "God Bless The USA" by Lee Greenwood
David A. - "You're The Voice" by David Foster
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Beatlemania Revisited
But really. You either tear a song apart, reassemble it or you do a straight cover. I don't see putting different inflections or runs in it as making it your own necessarily. Trying to sound like Whitney or Celine singing one of these songs is making it Whitney or Celine singing one of these songs.
I don't remember what half the people sang, so I guess it was quite memorable. ha! I know David A sang the Long and Winding Road, but that's only because it was my high school senior class song. Not sure what the lyrics have to do with a high school graduating class, but that's what they voted for. It was either that or Do You Know Where You're Going To?
Don't know if I'll watch the "who gets booted" show tonight. We'll be out for a couple hours and away from television. Probably need the break anyway.
Monday, March 17, 2008
New Book
Info is available at my website,
I will update my website when the book becomes available through major distribution channels such as Amazon and The update will include the opportunity to purchase a signed book directly from me with a Paypal payment.
For all intents and purposes, as things stand now, I expect this will be my last book of poetry.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Chikezie - She's a Woman
Great! Entertaining. Energetic.
Carly - Come Together
A tight package overall - vocals, performance and arrangement
Brooke - Let it Be
Very professional in the Brooke White emotive style
David C. - Eleanor Rigby
Pitchy at beginning but hammered it home from middle on.
Middle of the Road Performances (in no particular order)
Syesha - Got to Get You Into My Life
Good, fun. Strong vocal with nice horn background. I wouldn't
call it EWF like Randy did, but I can't really place my finger
on the style of the background brass arrangement.
Jason - If I Fell
Solid, not spectacular
Michael - Across the Universe
Nice bit of singing - a bit on the dull side
Amanda - You Can't Do That
As a rock performer, she has the chops. This particular song
seemed rather pointless to me though.
Bottom Performances (in no particular order):
David H - I Saw Her Standing There
Came across as very karaoke
Ramiele - In My Life
Boooooorrrrringg - couldn't wait for it to be done
David A - We Can Work It Out
Oopsy on the lyrics. lol. Not a good performance,
not a particularly good sing either
Kristy Lee - Eight Days a Week
Horrendous arrangement. Perhaps could have
sang it with a country twang, but to add that arrangement
made the whole thing seem like a parody. Quite foolish.
Tempo issues didn't help either.
If I had to guess, either Kristy Lee or Ramiele will get the heave ho. David A could, if the voting were actually based on this night's performances. But we know the reality isn't that at all.
Don't we?
Spitzer Needs to Step Down

The self-proclaimed crusader of Wall Street has taken one on the chin from himself.
As New York Attorney General, Elliot Spitzer made a name for himself by bringing high-profile cases against many giants of business, including Samsung, Infineon Technologies (for price fixing) and Bear Stearns, Credit Suisse First Boston, Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs, J.P. Morgan Chase, Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley, Salomon Smith Barney and UBS Warburg (for inflating stock prices and using affiliated brokerage firms to give biased investment advice).
His cases also included a few criminal prosecutions of prostitution rings and tourists soliciting prostitutes.
Now Spitzer has been uncovered as Client #9 of a prostitution ring.
He is likely to be prosecuted under a statute called "structuring," according to a Justice Department official. Structuring involves creating a series of financial movements designed to obscure the true purpose of the payments. There is no current talk of charging him with soliciting a prostitute.
Elliot Spitzer promised when campaigning for governor he'd keep corruption and scandal out of Albany. Apparently, for all his crusading ways, Spitzer, in the end, is nothing more than a two-faced, double-talking politician.
He needs to resign now. Unfortunately, his arrogance probably won't allow it.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
The Top 12
Danny Noriega • Luke Menard • Asia'h Epperson • Kady Malloy
Danny Noriega • Luke Menard • Asia'h Epperson • Kady Malloy
Danny Noriega • Luke Menard • Asia'h Epperson • Kady Malloy
Danny Noriega • Luke Menard • Asia'h Epperson • Kady Malloy
Danny Noriega • Luke Menard • Asia'h Epperson • Kady Malloy
Danny Noriega • Luke Menard • Asia'h Epperson • Kady Malloy
All gone gone gone gone gone gone and Vote For the Worst must
be losing some traction! lol
It was VFTW's intent to keep Danny Noriega around as long as possible.
The four leaving make sense.
Anyone who does Whitney Houston songs should leave automatically - no votes, just go.
Anyone who does Wham songs should leave automatically - no votes, just go.
I still don't know what the heck Kady Malloy sang, and she really bolloxed it in her bow out. Didn't she?
Danjaya - so glad not to have to put up with your little head jerks any more.
Of the 12 that remain? I've seen better in past seasons.
I still don't have a fave. Probably won't either.
Archuleta doesn't come close. Neither does Chikezie or Johns. Didn't David Hernandez look particularly gleeful while Noriega was hacking out that last bit of Tainted Love?
It's a bizarre season.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Quick on the Guys
David Archuleta "Another Day in Paradise"
Danny Noriega "Tainted Love"
David Hernandez "It's All Coming Back to Me Now"
Michael Johns "Don't You (Forget About Me)"
David Cook "Hello"
Jason Castro "Hallelujah"
Chikezie "All the Man That I Need"
Standout Performance: David Cook
Notable: Jason Castro w/out guitar this week. Don't know the song, thought it came off OK though his voice isn't particularly strong
Hated: Luke Menard and Danny Noriega. Luke has got to go, and Danny just flames too much for me. (I also saw the video online where he said he hopes "Santa rapes your mom" which only expands my negative image of him Click Here for Noriega Video).
Middle of the Road: Michael Johns, David Archuletta and David Hernandez. MJ did better earlier in the competition re: Hollywood round. Seems to be coasting. David A. sang well, but his song choice is becoming dreary. David H. sang well also, big voice type of song.
Forgettable: Chikezie. Seems to be picking out somewhat obscure songs. Maybe go a bit more mainstream?
Have to get my kids to a play practice tonight, so I'll probably miss much of the women.
Monday, March 3, 2008
Makes Sense to Me
Like a lot of folks in this state, I have a job I work, they pay me. I pay my taxes and the government distributes my taxes as it sees fit. In order to get that paycheck, I am required to pass a random urine test with which I have no problem. What I do have a problem with is the distribution of my taxes to people who don't have to pass a urine test. Shouldn't one have to pass a urine test to get a welfare check because I have to pass one to earn it for them? Please under stand, I have no problem with helping people get back on their feet. I do, on the other hand, have a problem with helping someone sitting on their rear end, doing drugs, while I work. . . . Can you imagine how much money the state would save if people had to pass a urine test to get a public assistance check ? Pass this along if you agree or simply delete if you don't. Hope you all will pass it along, though . . . Something has to change in this country -- and soon!