The cars are listed by model year, not in chronological order of ownership. Timeframes are difficult for me to recall.
My first car:
1973 Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme
This car cost me $1000. I bought it after college, when I was in the Army and had the income to be able to do so.
It had a 350 V8 with a 4-barrel carburetor which gave it a nice growl when accelerating. The previous owner gave it the odd paint job. Originally silver with a vinyl roof, the sides were painted black, the vinyl removed and the roof painted blue.
It was a gas hog and cost $100 to drive it from Georgia to Maine with $20 fill ups per stop. That was a lot back in 1983.
I owned it for about a year. Then I sold it and bought the next car.
1981 Mazda GLC
It had nothing. It was a 4-speed manual with no air conditioning, no power anything and no radio. However, it was much cheaper to drive and the $100 trip down the east coast turned into $35. I ended up totaling it in a freak accident.
1979 Ford Mustang II
I inherited this car when I married. My wife had bought it in North Carolina when she lived there.
It was a 4-speed manual with a 4-cylinder engine. The color in the picture is accurate to our vehicle.
It made the trip from Georgia to Maine when we exited the Army and served us well for many miles. I don't remember what happened to it.
1984 Honda Accord Hatchback
This was a short-lived ownership. My dad gave it to me and my wife. He was done using it and wanted to help us.
We were rear-ended while stopped at a traffic light by a high school student in a larger car. It totaled the Honda.
The color of ours was a sort of burgundy.
1985 Honda Civic
The only things I remember about this car is that it had a sunroof which made it impossible to get out of the mid-day sun.
And the timing belt broke which bent all the valve stems. It cost about $600 to repair and never seemed to run the same after that.
1985 Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme Brougham
This car cost about $4000. I had purchased a Chevy Corsica from a used car lot in Windham. The Chevy stalled all the way home, so I turned around and returned it and told the dealer I was cancelling my check.
In the meantime, a salesperson I knew and liked in Auburn told me about this car, so I went there and bought it.
It was a terrible car. In the course of 5-6 months we dropped about $500 in repairs in it. My mechanic told me that even though it had very low miles on it, they must have been hard miles given its propensity to break down. The salesperson through whom I bought asked me how we liked it. I told him we hated it and why. He immediately told me to bring it back and trade it for something else. The trade amount offered covered the original cost of the car and all the repairs, so I was happy to do it. That's how we ended up with the next car.
1986 Toyota Camry
Not much to say about this car. We ran it until the clutch failed. I assume we got it fixed, but that's all I can recall.
It was primarily my wife's car. I drove the next vehicle.
1986 Nissan Pickup
Standard shift. Standard radio. Crank windows. No amenities. It did have a cap. Cost us $5000 through a personal classified ad. We had this truck for 7 years. It started rusting out before breaking down.
Ended up donating it to a charitable organization and took the tax benefit.
It was only 2-wheel drive which made it fun in winter. Seriously.
1988 Oldsmobile Cutlass Ciera
This, too, was a private sale. We didn't have this car for very long. I don't remember it as being particularly reliable.
1990 Oldsmobile Cutlass Ciera
I liked this car. It gave us very few problems and for some reason it was fast, much faster than its trim level suggested.
Unfortunately, it had an untimely death in December 1998. I was headed out to do some Christmas shopping and someone pulled out in front of me at an intersection where I had the right of way. I T-boned him and totaled the car.
All I could think at the time was that I had it paid off and now would have to go back into debt on another vehicle. I think the insurance company gave us about $2000 for it.
1992 Ford Aerostar
I called this our butt-ugly pig van which delighted my sons to no end. Despite its ungainly looks, it turned out to be a decent vehicle. It had AWD so was good in the snow. In fact, I took to pushing snow banks back by ramming into them during one particularly prolific winter.
In the end, I donated it to charity when it started requiring too many repairs.
1993 Ford Taurus
This car was loaded with features. Turns out it was also missing some features - two motor mounts, and the head gasket blew which was a common problem with Tauruses at that time.
I traded it for the next vehicle.
1994 Toyota Camry
This car was loaded as well. It became my wife's car while I drove the butt-ugly pig van.
I sold it through a magazine classified ad when it was time to part ways.
1995 Ford Escort Wagon
I bought this from a friend for $1500. He had a relative who kept it in a barn for years. Didn't have it for very long before the crankshaft on it snapped.
The mechanic told me of someone who would buy it, so I sold it as is.
1999 Plymouth Grand Voyager Espresso
I got into minivans after renting one for our annual trip to North Carolina. The Aerostar was the first one we owned. This was the second. It had captain's chairs in the first and second row which gave my two boys their own seats. It had front/rear heat/air conditioning and a slew of other features. It made for grand road trips.
However, the transmission eventually went on it which was endemic among Chrysler vehicles. After spending $2200 on having it rebuilt, we drove it for another 4 months when the oil pump went.
2001 Honda CRV
In 2005, my wife's dad had a stroke. We drove down to North Carolina in the Grand Voyager. The AC condenser on it had failed, so it was a very warm trip with the windows open.
When my wife told me she wanted to stay longer to help her dad, I knew this would be a good time to do some car shopping. We could've flown her home, but she hates flying. And I couldn't stay as my vacation was running out.
So I went car shopping and found this Honda at Watkins Auto in Forest City. I dealt with the owner and he took enough off the price to make it make sense. So when my wife was ready to come home, she would be able to drive. This CRV was an AWD vehicle which made it perfect for her in winter time. In fact, I've kept her in 4-wheel drive vehicles since. It gives me peace of mind. Her too.
When it was time to move onto the next car, we gave this to our oldest son. He drove it to over 200,000 miles and has since traded it for the car he owns now.
2003 Mazda MPV
This van wasn't good at all. When it rained the spark plug coils would short out.
And the windows wouldn't go all the way down, either.
2005 Toyota Camry

In winter my wife had a hard time driving it in snow. It may have been due to the fact that it was quite fast. Whatever the reason, I had her trade vehicles with my youngest son who was driving our Pacifica (next car)
He was rear ended by a young lady which ended up totaling this car.
2006 Chrysler Pacifica
When I bought this car, I made sure I had a warranty. That ended up paying for itself when the transmission blew. The replacement cost over $5000 and a rep from Boston had to drive up to make sure the replacement went as was supposed to.
Even with that issue, I still think of this car fondly. In the winter it was a tank due to its weight and all wheel drive. It just wouldn't get stuck.
There was a lot of room in the back seat for my sons who were getting quite big. It had a leather interior and I think the driver's seat was heated. It rode well and made for comfortable road trips. A friend bought it and still owns it, though he is looking to sell it.
2003 Toyota Matrix
I drove the Matrix. It is white, just like this picture. I enjoyed it for its fuel economy and the acceleration is quick for a 4-cylinder. It was fairly reliable in the 80,000 or so miles I've put on it.
2008 Toyota RAV4 Sport
My wife's 4-wheel drive for the last year or two. It is a good vehicle and well equipped.
2012 Nissan Maxima SV Sport
This year we replaced the Matrix with this Maxima. It's a nice car, loaded with goodies. But what really grabbed my eye was the less than 20K original miles on it. I can envision some long distance road trips taking place over the next few years.
2012 Honda CR-V EX-L
So this is our fast and furious vehicle life. And while I can't boast to having owned any exotic sports cars or rugged off-road SUVs, I can say that we have been able to get where we needed to go with relatively few problems, especially when considering the amount of miles we rack up over the course of a year.
The only vehicles where I couldn't match colors were the Aerostar, the 90 Cutlass, the 85 Cutlass and the Accord.
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