Tuesday, December 22, 2009

For what it's worth....

Throughout the day, I get these great ideas for blog entries. Or at least I think they are great. They seem great to me, but I suppose they wouldn't necessarily appeal to everyone.

Unfortunately, when I get the time to sit down and focus on making a blog entry, either the idea has flown away or the steam necessary to run the writing engine has cooled down.

Sometimes I think I overthink what I want to write which leads to the paralysis of analysis (which is a phrase I picked up from my days in Amway over 15 years ago). And sometimes I only have a shred of an idea which I don't take time to think out at all.

The upside to all this is this: without an idea to develop, my blog entries can be shorter.

Much shorter.

And they won't take as much time, effort or discipline to carry out.

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