Wednesday, January 7, 2009

As the Leadership Turns....

From an article:

On Wednesday, Mr. Obama is set to speak about deficit-control measures he plans to include in his first budget, due next month, an Obama aide said. The aide stressed that the president-elect is inheriting a fiscal disaster not of his making.

I'd like to repeat part of this paragraph for effect.

The aide stressed that the president-elect is inheriting a fiscal disaster not of his making.


The aide stressed that the president-elect is inheriting a fiscal disaster not of his making.

And again:

a fiscal disaster not of his making.

I beg to differ.

Mr. Obama and his colleagues in the Congress are primarily responsible for this fiscal mess we are currently in. It's been documented time and again. They did it for political and financial gain.

It's not all on him, of course. But he was one of the leading recipients of donations from Franklin Raines and Fannie Mae.

Unfortunately, half of this country will refuse to see it or believe it.

Willful ignorance is not pretty.


Unknown said...

Jeff, Jeff, Jeff.....

You're making entirely too much sense. I love the dark gloom and doom; we're goin' to hell in a handbasket, worst times this country has EVER seen (please), etc. but then after a dramatic pause...he says he'll try to lead us out of the valley of death. It might take years (2nd term) but HE knows we can do it. Hell, I know we can do it.

Being positive in times of trouble and confident in times of lost confidence - while it is acting sometimes, is such a lost art. Painting the darkest picture possible and laying the groundwork for mediocre results looking miraculous is the new art.

He is a tremendous speaker/orator though, I'll give him that. Trouble is that's not enough, unless you're talking about getting elected that is. Then its plenty good enough. Happy New Year sir. - Jimbo

Jeff Howe said...

Hey Jim... good to see you again. Where the country is headed and where it may potentially be headed could be miles apart. Or not so far apart at all. There are troubling things ahead, but I'll tell you this... the three-ring circus known as Washington, DC, (and to a lesser extent the state capitols) will not be folding their tents anytime soon. We can either look at the circus as a hugely frustrating, ulcer-creating, nailbiting exercise in political moronical experience (with us paying a huge bill, albeit). Or we can view it as an ongoing exercise in comedic tragedy, much like the Greek theatre of ancient days. Unfortunately, there will be no deus ex machina this time around. Or will there? Take care, bud. Jeff

Unknown said...


I'm going with the Greek theatre. I just have to see Harry Reid in a flowing robe, a headband made of fig leaves and gold bracelets.

"Change" was the election cry. Nothing will change in DC, just as you said. They validate themselves. Plus no one has the stomach for any real change these days. Anyway, gotta run. Good talking to ya's. - Jim