Sunday, November 18, 2007

Pet Highway Peeves

Here are my biggest highway driving peeves in ascending order.

1. Folks who won't move over a lane when they see people trying to enter the highway - especially irritating when there's no one else around for hundreds of yards.

2. People who follow very close in the passing lane creating a line of cars impossible to penetrate when you need to get over.

3. People who follow me very closely in the passing lane when I'm already going 10 or more over the posted limit.

4. Passing lane inhabitants who won't pass.

5. The biggest pet highway peeve for me? Those who won't get up to highway speed on the on-ramp. They are usually going too slow to work their way into a spot when there's traffic and often come to a stop right before entering the highway. I've almost rear ended someone who did this as I was looking at the traffic and trying to sync up with it.

Feel free to include yours.


Unknown said...

No argument there, Jeff... I'll add the bastards on snowy days who polish up the ice with their *&%$#@! accelerators. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving. For my dough it's about time this country got tough with cultural identity. This is a Judeo-Christian country that tolerates all religion, but we take a back seat to no one and if you want to live here you'd better respect women and all ethnic groups. Am I becoming a fanatic in my old age? I'm just tired of being conditioned for YEARS to treat everyone the same, then watching all the Liberal slime kissing ass with the moslems. If I'm all wet, Jeff, tell me. JWC

Jeff Howe said...

You aren't all wet John... there are disturbing trends in this country. You should read Buchanan's Day of Reckoning, or at least check this out:
