Monday, November 9, 2020

Stock Trading Message Boards Lingo

Posters on stock message boards like iHub have a limited narrative.

If the stock price is going down

1. the market makers are walking it down to shake out weak hands, or 

2. someone is shorting it, or

3. shorts are covering (yes, I've actually seen someone say that)

If the price goes up it may be the "short squeeze" everyone wants to see happen so the shorts get it in the shorts, so to speak. This even if it rises $1 or less.

And, of course, they are "slapping the ask."

If you post a negative opinion, you are a "basher" working for

1. a market maker, or 

2. the shorts (which may actually be market makers, they're not sure)

And if you hold a stock for a period of time, you are "long and strong" and obviously proud of that.

If you are buying shares, you have "backed the truck up," ostensibly loading it up for the next run.

And if you are still holding some cash in your account, you're keeping your "powder dry" in the event the markets tank and there will be cheap shares you can "scoop up" or load your imaginary truck with.
It would all be quite amusing if it hadn't turned into cliche long ago, because they were saying the same things on the RagingBull message boards back in the late 90s.

Some things just don't change.