Tomorrow morning, around 3:15, I will have lived for 60 years.
Some people find meaning in ages with phrases like 'Sweet 16' and 'Lordy, lordy, look who's 40.'
Others simply snort and say, "It's only a number."
I probably relate more to the former group than the latter. I know that when I turned 30, I was melancholy to have left my 20s behind. So much happened in that decade that was monumental to me that I hated to exit it.
However, when I turned 40 and 50, it didn't seem that big a deal.
I have been dreading (if that's the correct word) turning 60 for a lot of my 59th year. It seems like an old age milestone to me, and I can't imagine how it will be for 70 or even, God willing, 80.
I'm not sure when a person is technically considered a senior citizen. Or elderly, for that matter. But, though I see those in my own parents, both of whom are still alive, I don't relate the terms to me.
On the other hand, I complain now and then about getting old and the ways it has affected me and my wife physically. I won't go into all the details, but there's many a time I have wished I could be 30 again.
But, there's no going back and that's a tragedy of life.
Of course, there are those who would snort and say, "It's better than the alternative."
I'm not so sure I like people who snort.