Friday, April 10, 2015

Stupid Memes

People love memes. Memes that express humor, political positions, sarcasm, social statements. They are ubiquitous on Facebook and, I assume, all other social networking sites. There are websites that are meme generators and anyone can go select a picture and caption it with their own witty or funny statement then share it to Facebook.

Technically, what I'm posting here aren't memes. They're more like posters. But, unlike the majority of memes, these just won't die. People keep sharing them as if they are some new found wisdom that everyone must see.

1. I see a lot of dating "advice" on Facebook. This generally comes from moms who have teenaged children. Most of the dating advice seems to be geared toward elevating and/or protecting girls. This one comparing girls to apples on a tree is about as silly as they get. Not only does it create a false sense of superiority if one ascribes to its preaching, but it seems to be an attempt to mollify those who haven't found their spouses yet. I know women who are my age and still single. I also know adult guys who are single. They aren't single because that person who is "brave enough to climb all the way to the top of the tree" hasn't come along yet. Let's flip this around to a standard high school scenario...

Hey girls. See that guy over there. He's not a jock, he'll never be the star of the football team. He doesn't have his own cool car, instead he drives the family station wagon when his parents don't need it. He's not in all the clubs at school and has never considered running for student council. He does okay in classes, not great. He doesn't have a lot of money as he only works part time in the grocery store and it doesn't pay well. His parents aren't rich. Yet he is one of the best apples you could snag from the top of the tree only if you are brave enough to climb that high.

There. Does that make made-up-guy any more appealing?

Probably not. But most people get married. Some don't. And somehow it all happens despite this meme.

 2. Anyone in their right mind is against bullying. But do all these contrived scenarios need to be posted regularly. This particular meme as constructed is intended to make those who bully feel guilty about what they are doing. Maybe the worst part of it is the very last line. It is coercive; it makes this meme a bully in its own right.

3. Another set of contrived scenarios and I can't really say I've seen this specific one as often as others. But its tone of message is a common thread on Facebook. 

3b. If you ever wondered if nurses and waitresses were interchangeable, here's your proof.

4. This comes across as totally made up. I seriously doubt that this scenario ever took place. It's actually a bit amusing at first read, but totally unnecessary beyond that. And it hasn't changed people's punctuation habits any. So, what's the point?

5. There are two things about this which place this in the stupid category. The first is the sentence, "They are signs of having tried to remain strong for so long." I've witnessed clinical depression and it has nothing to do with trying to remain strong for so long. It has everything to do with monoamine oxidase A (MAO-A) levels in the brain according to a study by the Center for Addiction and Mental Health. MAO-A is an enzyme which breaks down serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine, mood chemicals, if you will, in the brain. 

The second thing is the last sentence. Does this stupid meme really make people with anxiety disorder or clinical depression feel supported and comforted? Really?

6.  The Facebook version of a chain letter. Do I need say more?

 7. There are quite a few religious memes that run through the newsfeeds on a regular basis. Most of them end similarly. My question is this: if you don't share, does that mean you disagree? Doesn't it have to mean that? This is another example of sharing by inducing guilt, and I don't think that's a good way to spread the gospel.

8. Mattel already makes a cancer Barbie named "Ella". Here's the proof...

9. Stupid meme... Some of us want all kinds of nice, new shiny things because we are self-absorbed. But I just want to be liked by everyone and shared by everyone because I am self-absorbed. I really don't think I'm creating an army of compassion from this. I'm not that stupid.... or am I? Hey 3 percenters out there - show me some love because 97% are ignoring me!

10. I see this one and my first thought is not to re-post. It is to ask, "Do you feel better now?" There is no second thought.

* * * * *

I will add more as I come across them. It seems as if people have an insatiable need to make their worldview statements on a regular basis on Facebook. To what end? I don't know. Those who agree with the statements will "like" them and comment with at least an "amen" or maybe a lot of verbal high-fiving. Those who disagree may argue. The rest will just ignore. 

Can't we just stop the preachiness?

Probably not.