Friday, August 4, 2023

Awesome Achievers

Both of my sons have awesome achievements.

The youngest has crane certification allowing him to run these behemoths that lift tons of weight. Additionally, he has a CDL which means he can drive 18-wheelers in order to haul large loads for the company that employs him.

The oldest just finished Army Airborne School which qualifies him to jump out of an airplane and drift to the ground using a parachute.

The funny thing is that if you approached either and commented on their achievements, they would probably just say, "No big deal, man" as if what they achieved was the normalest thing in the world.

But what they don't understand yet is that they are both members of statistically miniscule fraternities.

The vast majority of people wouldn't even think about doing what they've done let alone attempt any of it.

Sure, they have peers and colleagues doing the same type of work with the same achievements, but that's not the point.

In this day and age of graduating high school, then maybe college and going out and getting a 9-5 office job in some corporation, my sons have opted to go different routes that appeal only to certain types of men.

I'm proud of both boys and if anyone asked me what my awesome achievement was, I would have to answer that it's my sons.

But I'd have to share that achievement with my wife.


Anonymous said...

Well put. And they don't owe hundreds of thousands in student loans for degrees they can't get jobs with.

Jeff Howe said...

Good point.

Barbara Richards said...

You have every reason to be proud. Good parenting shows good results.

Jeff Howe said...

Thanks, Barbara.