Friday, September 5, 2008

The Media Never Ceases to Boggle...

A news promo on a local talk station just announced,

"Vice Presidential candidate, Sarah Palin, has the Republicans wildly enthusiastic about her. Not so with the Democrats. Story coming up..."

How the $@$#@#$ is this a news story? Huh? Can someone tell me?
When have Democrats ever been enthusiastic about a Republican candidate? And when have Republicans ever been enthusiastic about a Democrat candidate?

Yet, they announce it with all seriousness as if it was a real teaser.

The media has such a patronizing view of its listener/reader/viewership.
They don't even bother to camouflage their arrogance.

Give me a fricken break, WGAN of Portland, Maine.

In other awesomely obvious breaking news:

Obama-backer [Annette] Bening pillories Palin

On a totally different note:

I think people who decide to go into politics should be required to have spent at least five years working in the private sector AND they should be required to spend at least three years in the military.

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