Friday, December 7, 2007

I Don't Get Facebook

I really don't.

I don't know why people are there, why they sign up for an account.

I don't see the site as being terribly interactive except for some goofiness like building a limited snowman or spending $1 to send someone a small icon of flowers or chocolates. It's also a wonky site, not overly intuitive from the start.

Yet they claim tens of millions of users.

I don't get it.


Aubrey said...

People like being part of something, even if it's dumb. Just that they can connect in some sort of way, and have the same place to be egotistical. People log in for themselves, get bored, and look at other peoples pages.

Jeff Howe said...

I understand that part... that's the impetus behind any 'social networking' site. But Facebook - in my opinion - doesn't really match up to myspace. If someone notifies you with something there (a poke, a snowman, alike, music yada yada whatever) then you have to add an application to your site if you want to do the same, signing away privacy this that and the other w/disclosure... I just don't see the point. And any time I have accepted an application and tried it, it flat out sucked and I wondered what that was all about.

Aubrey said...

I agree, it's just really messy. I signed up myself because a friend invited me and I hardly log on to it. I really don't use myspace much either.

Jeff Howe said...

So, then why is it popular? Any ideas? Just a newer thing than myspace basically?