So I received an email from PublishAmerica recently. They were the folks who did my first book, From Here to Never; Time Travels from Maine. I wasn't impressed with their layout of the pages. I liked the cover, but I did that myself.
The email I received from them said that since my book hasn't sold for over a year, they are willing to return the rights to the book back to me.
And it will only cost $99.
I'd do it in a heartbeat if it was free. There's still about 3 years left on the contract I signed with them, and I want to totally redo the book.
However, I'm not willing to pay the fee.
PA has been on an email blitz for the last year or two, trying to get us to buy many copies of our books. They have couched it from many different angles, including much lower pricing, hardcover versions, placement of the book in prestigious places. It was all in response to pressure from Amazon to take over printing of any POD books sold through their site which, of course, takes money out of the POD publisher's pockets.
PA didn't agree to the demand and all their books were removed from the Amazon online purchase process. So they tried to push their loss of business onto the backs of the authors they represent.
With a $20 price tag, substandard book design, I just never felt like trying to sell the book. I didn't see any value in it, so I moved on to other books I have since completed and continue to try to market.
I can wait three years to save $99.
There's always more books.